Tuesday, August 31, 2010
RepRap Version III "Huxley"

(Image from Erik - thanks!)
I've moved the Mini-Mendel page on the Wiki to form a Huxley page here:
This is where development of the new machine will be centred. Many people (particularly Erik) have already done a lot of work on Ed's original design.
Please add to their efforts!
Labels: Huxley, RepRap 3, RepRap III
Monday, August 09, 2010
RepRap is going to the NYC Maker Faire!
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Improving print roads calculations
In which your narrator rewrites the Slice and Dice routine that calculates print roads on a slice.
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Thursday, August 05, 2010
Reprapping two materials into one object
A couple of days ago, we needed another set of tweezers for the RepRap lab. Naturally, rather than going and buying a pair I thought I'd RepRap them. After a quick search around Thingiverse for inspiration, I thought we could do something a bit more fancy using the new multiple material setup. So I designed the following pair, where the top of the tweezers consists of a PLA inner section for rigidity/stiffness, which is then encased in silicone for added grip, and printed in one shot:

Unfortunately, the nozzle of the paste extruder blocked mid build. Thankfully, they are disposable so I quickly swapped it for a new one (I noticed as I set the paste extruder to purge on every layer...). I suspect what is happening is the orifice of the plastic taper tip is deforming as it runs over the occasional PLA lump in the plastic sections of the part.
The three STL's which make up the part are up on Thingiverse and on our wiki, although you'll need to assemble them in the host software using the technique described here.
Labels: Multimaterial Tweezers Multiple Materials
Applying VTEC to Slice and Dice
In which your narrator lowers the execution time of Slice and Dice by upwards 90%.
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