Monday, August 17, 2009
RepRap at Hacking at Random 2009

I just got back from HAR2009 in Holland - an amazing event, and many thanks to the organizers for inviting me to give a talk. As I walked through the main gate, the first sight that greeted me (bottom left) was a RepRap that someone had left on a picnic bench while they went to pitch their tent. So I knew that this would be cool.
There were many reprappers there. But in particular I'd like to thank Erik de Bruijn, Marius Kintel, Philipp Tiefenbacher and Siert Wijnia - when I set up my talk, they all came onto the stage with their machines and got them running. A sort of mass repraping...
There were some other guys who set up their repstraps too, but unforgivably I didn't write down their names. Sorry. If they e-mail me, I'll add them to this post.
More pictures here.
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Fantastic. Any chance we can get these photos as separate images? The one in the bottom center is especially splendiferous! The image of a group of repraps all lined up is just too great to not post show everyone I know.
Sure. It's at
I've put a link on the blog entry to more pictures.
I've put a link on the blog entry to more pictures.
Dear Ardian,
It was a real pleasure to chat with you at HAR !
Yes, a im one of those wo put the clumsy repstraps on stage ;-)
The metalab reprappers help me a lot to debug mine and it works now : at last i start making my extruder !!
One more thing : we try to make a french network of fablabs :
Two new usinettes are alive : one at our hackerspace near Paris : and one in Toulouse :
Thanks for your energy : RepRap is not utopy anymore ;-)
to be continued...
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It was a real pleasure to chat with you at HAR !
Yes, a im one of those wo put the clumsy repstraps on stage ;-)
The metalab reprappers help me a lot to debug mine and it works now : at last i start making my extruder !!
One more thing : we try to make a french network of fablabs :
Two new usinettes are alive : one at our hackerspace near Paris : and one in Toulouse :
Thanks for your energy : RepRap is not utopy anymore ;-)
to be continued...
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