Wednesday, January 29, 2025


Maus Complementary Stage (Maus C) with one Maus axis driver

The wire actuator was a fail, but fortunately the whole thing is built on Metriccano, so it didn't take long for me to strap a Maus axis driver onto the frame to form what I'm currently calling the "Maus C Prototype":

Movement looks smooth enough under the binocular microscope, though with one axis left waving in the wind there's only so much I can determine. Also that frame is finicky because I haven't left enough clearance on the sides of the Y axis flexure (they're rubbed smooth with a file...).

Adding the X driver will doubtless need a few mounting points and minor mods on the frame, so I'll reprint the frame parts with more clearance once I've try-fitted the X driver.

It is oh so nice having something that I can pick up, move around, and turn upside down, rather than an assemblage of parts screwed to a plywood slab.

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