Friday, December 13, 2024


"Next Gen" Probe design

First of the new probes for the Maus prototype. I use hypodermics initially as they are robust, then make delicate etched ones. The hypodermic needle is crimped on to a piece of tinned 0.25mm wire, which in turn is clamped on by the nut. The needle is held in the plastic body with CA glue.


The screw is thus electrically connected to the probe tip. The new Z stage will have a hole this screw goes in, and that'll have the probe connection to the controller board in it. So I won't have to worry about specifically connecting every probe with a dodgy and intermittent wire. Bad news: I need to make a bunch more probes. Such is progress.

Side note: I now have a presentation ready for Everything Open, so in between Xmas stuff I can get back to μRepRap work.

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