Saturday, November 23, 2024


Faulty thread replaced - update

A clean thread on the drive rod helps a lot. Who'd have thought? So combined with the new slide holder (picture below), testing is now possible again. I tested the Y axis out to 0.5mm with the X axis disconnected, and adjusted so that it is spot on at +/- 0.3mmand  it is repeatable. Take it out to 0.5mm and it thinks it has moved 0.53mm, going back in at +/-0.2mm it thinks it is at 0.23 which again is repeatable, so should be able to compensate in software.


Connecting the X axis changes Y positioning by less than 0.02mm and that's very close to my ability to actually test against a 0.01mm grid - plus the changes are consistent.

The X axis, however, does not show anything like even movement even with the Y axis disconnected, so that's the next thing to come apart on the bench for inspection.

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