Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Firing Up The Tin Oxide Furnace

Power is down, so might as well post update.  The tin chloride from yesterday was poured off, the residue rinsed 3x, and the rinsings made up to 100ml. The solution was clear, indicating minimal copper contamination. 1.3g of unreacted dry residue remained from 8g of tin.

 The shattered slide from yesterday was placed in a firebrick cell like this:

and heated until the edges tinged red. 3 x 0.5 ml fine sprays of solution were directed in, the glass reheated, and the process repeated twice more. The cell was then covered with thick blocks of expendable wood and left to cool:

The slide cracked in one location but was annealed enough to survive a short drop. A splattering of tin oxide was clearly visible:

 The smaller splatters were not measurably conductive, but a higher concentration can be observed on the right broken edge:

The entire edge from top to bottom had a resistance of under 400K. Not a lot of conductivity, but hopefully measurable with the probe tip. I'll shove it under a microscope later.

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