Friday, August 14, 2009
Simple PWM Output Design - Spoondriver

The spoon? Oh, if you're driving a device that consumes an amp or four, you'll need a heatsink. I always hated those cheap, shoddy spoons and raided the cutlery drawer. There's one spoon that won't get stuck in my drawer again.
Vik :v)
Labels: pwm, spoon, spoondriver, tip
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It looks like you've essentially created 1/3 of the PWM Driver v1.1 circuit , minus solder and superflous components like the indicator LEDs, decoupling capacitors, and PCB. :-)
Exactly! A two-channel driver will fit on a 9-unit length of terminal strip, but I'll have to use 14 units to make the deluxe knife, fork & spoon version :)
Vik :v)
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Vik :v)
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