Sunday, January 13, 2008
Bed Corner and Diagonal Tie Bracket

Here's the Bed Corner mounted up with springs & nuts on a piece of studding. On the bottom of the studding I've stuck 2 Diagonal Tie Brackets. The top one - from Steve's no-overhang STL - is printed using the new software and has not been manually tidied (though I did have to warm up the retaining nut to get it in), the bottom one was done with last month's software and has been tidied. Adrian's latest fixes have made quite an improvement in quality, I'm sure you'll all agree.
Sadly, printing Corner Brackets in fine detail seems to cause a new bug so no more of them for a little while. But I'm off to Wellington in a few days anyway, and I'll be taking Darwin with me.
Please ignore mess at "dirty" end of bench...
Vik :v)