Saturday, September 08, 2007
Volunteers needed!

I have just made an Art of Illusion version (right) of the design for the new quick-change extruder from SolidEdge (left - SE can't get its triangle normals right...). I have simplified some features, but it is functionally identical.
The good news is that it was really quick and easy to do. I just imported the STL file out of SE that we used to make it into AoI, coloured it a stand-out colour (unlike the picture above), dragged out a bunch of blocks and cylinderes to the same size (really easy if you zoom in - you can get the accuracy much better than the 0.1 mm or so that is needed), then booleaned them together.
Does anyone want to do this for the parts of the Darwin design on Sourceforge? They're at:
(Check out the latest zip file of Cartesian Bot.) All you need is a computer with Art of Illusion running on it.
This would be a real help to the project, as then anyone would be able to edit the Darwin design. There are hints and conventions for using AoI on RepRap at
If you can help out, send me an e-mail at:
A dot Bowyer at bath dot ac dot uk
with the obvious substitutions.
Labels: darwin AoI conversion