Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Another time lapse - the logo (almost)
I had a go at printing the logo, whcih adequately exercised the boundaries of our software's stability. Erm, cough, yes, well.
However, eldest daughter (who today arranged some form of novel time-delayed laundry detergent dispenser to explode in my workshop) reckons it is officially "cool" and therefore worthy of mention on the blog. I give you our Logo, RepRap'd in one piece:

Also, there is a video of it here as a 2.5sec/frame time lapse. Of course, Dorkus here filmed it upside-down...
Vik :v)
However, eldest daughter (who today arranged some form of novel time-delayed laundry detergent dispenser to explode in my workshop) reckons it is officially "cool" and therefore worthy of mention on the blog. I give you our Logo, RepRap'd in one piece:

Also, there is a video of it here as a 2.5sec/frame time lapse. Of course, Dorkus here filmed it upside-down...
Vik :v)