Tuesday, January 23, 2007
RepRap 1.0 "Darwin" Communications and Power Distribution

The communications and power distribution board for Darwin (above) is now finished and tested. Details can be found here.
This means that the design for all the electronics for the machine has been finished except for the opto-interrupter end-stop for the axes (which will just consist of a slotted opto-switch and two resistors, so it shouldn't take long).
All the designs are in the RepRap subversion repository here.
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way awesome... looks really good. unfortunately i already placed an order... looks like i'll have to be going back soon =)
Looks like I could just drop a MAX202 in there and replace the 1uF electrolytic caps with 0.1uF ceramics. If I've not got a through-plated board that might be easier to solder up.
Vik :v)
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Vik :v)
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