Friday, June 16, 2006
Vik doing Reprap when he should be resting his back...

This is a test hexagon done with Adrians new CSG code. Ash (who is typing this) and Vik used a 0.8mm nozzle at 140C to print this
20mm x 5mm hexagon. There is an interesting and consistent defect which the keen student may wish to analyse.

We believe this is caused by the nozzle trailing its contents out as it hovers around the workpiece while its not meant to be printing. It takes a while to fill the nozzle and the gap between the nozzle and the workpiece. During this time the head currently moves. Perhaps it shouldn't.
(with Vik hovering over his shoulder)
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I think we may need to add (yet another) parameter to the code: number of seconds to reverse the extrude motor at the end of a write. We could call it "sniff"...
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