Tuesday, September 24, 2024


Cardboard boxes - not just for cats to sit in

Back again, for a few days at least. The days are getting brighter, and the microscope images need specific lighting so that probe positions etc. are visible. It affects contrast and glints, which are surprisingly useful in determining the 3D positioning. The solution: stick a cardboard box over the μRepRap. Had to truncate some overly-long support arms to fit it.

To be honest, a sturdy mounting frame for the optics and lighting is needed as the poles I'm using are only supported at one end. Will get on to that one day...

Footnote: I've had a few incidents and operations that have badly affected my eyesight. One more operation to go next month and she'll be right - one eye now fully functional already thank heavens. Currently I look bloodshot like I've been partying hard, but sadly not.

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