Saturday, November 23, 2024


Faulty thread replaced - update

A clean thread on the drive rod helps a lot. Who'd have thought? So combined with the new slide holder (picture below), testing is now possible again. I tested the Y axis out to 0.5mm with the X axis disconnected, and adjusted so that it is spot on at +/- 0.3mmand  it is repeatable. Take it out to 0.5mm and it thinks it has moved 0.53mm, going back in at +/-0.2mm it thinks it is at 0.23 which again is repeatable, so should be able to compensate in software.


Connecting the X axis changes Y positioning by less than 0.02mm and that's very close to my ability to actually test against a 0.01mm grid - plus the changes are consistent.

The X axis, however, does not show anything like even movement even with the Y axis disconnected, so that's the next thing to come apart on the bench for inspection.

Friday, November 22, 2024


Well thar's yer problem - M3 thread

I was wondering why my probe failed to move when the thread rotated on the drive motor. Turns out there's an f*****g great dent in it! Looks like The Chosen Screw needs to be very, very carefully inspected before installation. This particular divot causes a 0.1mm deviation in the probe movement.

It also shows that the drive nut is making extremely limited contact with the thread. Maybe longer nuts will help? This is a good reason to use longer lever arms - slight variations in thread manufacture will have a less significant effect on probe movement.

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Introducing The Maus Prototype

I'd like to introduce you to the Micron Accurate Universal System, or "Maus" Prototype. Rather than a monolithic enclosed print, this is a collection of drivers, flexures, and mounting brackets that can be reconfigured. This allows different parts to be easily swapped out, modified, individually tested, or completely rearranged. The use of Metriccano assists the rapid development of parts.

Banana for scale.

For reference, here's the original Meccano RepRap prototype from early this century. We come full circle:

Control is from the same RAMPS/GRBL board as the previous μRepRap prototypes. I haven't fitted endstops because (a) I haven't got a good design yet, and (b) it is relatively easy to determine and manually set the zero point on the drives. The stage is currently set up to hold a calibration slide, but I'll be adapting the previous small slide holder with Z probe ground to fit.

The Z probe holder itself is going to be redesigned and made flatter, which will allow the USB microscope to get closer to the stage and increase the effective magnification. Learned that problem and increased the clearances.

Importantly, the whole design is now GPL'd, so I can share it on file sites and let everyone join in without worrying too much about licencing. This does mean I'll have to significantly update the Wiki page, create a Github project, and tidy the OpenSCAD code so it doesn't look like it was written by a hyperactive squirrel that has OD'd on coffee ice cream. That said, hit me up if you want a current tarball.


XY Stage backlash at 8 microns

Just ran up some tests with a calibrated slide on the XY platform. Supposedly identical motors and drivers on both stages. The X axis is running at about 9,000 steps/mm and the Y at 21,000 steps/mm. The X needs a bit more anti-backlash, as the backlash is measuring in at about 8 microns. Still, not too shabby. I'll add more rubber bands and duct tape...

Saturday, November 16, 2024


XY Table flexure drive from condensed Metriccano

I made some Metriccano tabs joined by 50mm flexures and couple of spacer plates that allow me to connect the X & Y drivers to the XY table. Over the range of motion, these will need to drift a bit, but calculations show this is less than 0.2mm and should be within the flexibility of the table to contain. The assembly looked like this:

I then took the functional prototype, made a few minor changes, and recreated a model in OpenSCAD using the Metriccano library parts. This was condensed to eliminate most of the fastenings and tunnelled to allow flexures to pass through beams etc. Here is the after and before:


The part then drops right into the original assembly like so, still with Metriccano grid holes in it so that I can make modifications during further prototyping. Though I can of course set the hole diameter to zero and leave all beams solid if I wish.

I had an idea for later. This is lending to a flat-pack construction and the use of fasteners is gradually being eliminated. This will make it easier for a RepRapMicron to produce a small model of itself, theoretically with greater resolution. All the parts for a plane of the smaller printer can be printed in a frame, which the RepRapMicron probe can then swivel into position like a combination of an  IKEA set and origami. By dyeing parts of the print during manufacture to absorb light, the idea is that a laser or similar will be able to simultaneously but selectively blast away (thin, dark strands) or weld (chunkier contacting dark blocks) the components in the frame, which can then be dragged away leaving the free standing miniature printer.

Thursday, November 14, 2024


When you have a hammer... Metriccano XY flexure table

I don't quite know what size or shape XY table I need. Rather than print lots of them, I've built a set of flexures for Metriccano, and knocked up an XY table with them. This allows me to pursue the scientific method and change one attribute at a time. Linkage types, attachment points, number of legs etc.

Yes, I know there is IK modelling, but that doesn't take into consideration where you need to put the wires, what fits on the bench, where you can stack the microscopes and so forth. Not without a lot of work anyway. Anybody wants the GPL'd files, go to the comments and tell me.


New anti-backlash and coupling

As "Titch" is out of action, I've put together a new stage driver with anti-backlash on it. It checks out to 10μm as near as I can tell by averaging and eyeballing the 0.2mm layers of 3D print on the stage as it moves. Better accuracy test with calibration slides coming when I make a Metriccano slide holder mount.

The lugs for the bands have been moved above the nut, which drags the nut rather than pushing it and removes the wobble. The bands are "Loom Bands" which stretch quite a lot and are stable over time (unlike rubber bands). They are quite weak, however, and this allows me to add several to alternate sides without stressing any flexures.

The crossbar conceals an M3 nut drilled out to 3mm. As a stop on the thread I'm using an M3 Nylok because dual lock nuts in confined spaces are just too damn hard. The upward flex in the coupling ensures the bottom of the screw does not pop out of the coupling.

The coupling does need to be manually centred by pressing hard on the high side until the unconstrained screw rotates centrally. Seems to work though.

There are a couple of other things going on, but I'll cover those later when I'm a bit more sure of not making an arse of myself. More than usual, anyway.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024


OpenFlexure Y axis wear

The Y axis failed during a probe test (yes, the Z axis has a probe fitted, kinda). After a bit of poking around, I found the Y axis drive screw was jamming. I wonder why? Let's pull it out and have a look next to a new one:

Well thars yer problem.

That is what we in technical circles call "well shagged, mate." I'll replace it and resume probing, but I think the issue here is the screw resting on a plastic bearing hole, which is dragging plastic into the thread, filling it up, and causing excessive wear. I hope the drive nut is ok. 

Edit: The Y axis has now crapped out and only has 1mm of travel. At this point I'm tempted to begin the Alpha Prototype XY stage.


Mod. 6 Z axis built

Big update. Don't ask about Mod. 5, I got my maths wrong ok? As you can see, Alpha Prototype Mod. 6 Z Axis is much shorter than previous versions. The flexure arm only has a 4:1 advantage (and has a vertical flexure in it), and I've taken the backlash mechanism out because it's a pain in the butt to assemble/disassemble repeatedly. The Z limit switch is not yet installed either. I've substituted a 6mm length of hexagonal brass M3 pillar for the drive nut which is press-fit and it'll do for now.

The screw support beam has an M3 nut in it as a bearing for the top of the screw, drilled out to 3mm. The coupling is again press-fit onto the 5mm NEMA17 shaft, and grips a hex head M3 x 50 by - you guessed - press fit. The coupling itself is a flexure design that gives a bit of play. Behold its labyrinthine internals (GPL'd STL/SCAD on request):

The motor sticks out the bottom a bit, so I've had to prop it up on some Metriccano struts to get it on the stage. I had to move it back a bit to leave room for the probe, so there's a lot of plastic cribbing. TBH still not figured out how to mount the probe to it. Next step.

Things have been moved around on the stand to make room for the Z axis and all the microscopes. I'll probably fit a manual thumbscrew to the OpenFlexure Z axis and run mine off a stepper motor. Comparisons will be entertaining.

So with the short arm, how's the accuracy? Well, promising given I've taken the backlash off. I tested it by pointing a USB microscope at the Z stage, marking the screen on a layer line, and stepping the Z axis up and down. You can certainly step through the 0.2mm layers with a lot more than 10 steps/layer until the lack of a backlash system bites you - the thread wobbles sideways as well as up/down if you don't support it, and that also plays hell with the height. But I have an idea to fix that too, which seemed to work on Mod 5.

On the plus side, dang this Z axis is fast. 20mm/min which sounds like a snail's pace but given the Z axis is only meant to have a maximum range of +/-2mm and an operating range of half that, you can completely clear the work zone in 12 seconds. The coin was probed with a safe working height of 0.15mm, so things are going to speed up a bit. When the probe is fitted I'll test that and compare.

Sunday, November 10, 2024


Mod. 4 Fails

The Mod. 4 axis was a multiple fail. Its improvements were good, there just weren't enough. Actual frame rigidity was not good. The NEMA17 coupling was a press-fit sleeve with the drive screw bolted onto the end. Unfortunately this tended to set an angle to the screw thread and everything wobbled.

After some time I realised that I needed to hold the drive shaft in the collar flexibly. So I put a fixed nut on the drive shaft, and the motor turns the shaft. The nut hole is tapered, allowing it to be firmly grabbed, yet allowing it to move to re-centre rather than eccentricity driving the shaft.


The OpenFlexure stages avoid this by having a gear between the motor and the drive shaft, and that absorbs any wiggle.

The nut trap in the drive end of the pivoting arm has a lose cavity for the nut. This allows the nut to rotate partially. Tighten it, and the nut is hard to insert. The solution again is a conical nut trap. The temporary solution: Jam it in with a bit of copper wire to take up the slack.

Finally, lubrication is very important, particularly if you can't find brass nuts.

I may insert a pair of vertical flexures into the Mod.5 lifter bar to see if this will remove any residual sideways wobble and/or try making the other flexures slightly more rigid.

I may need more anti-backlash tensioning but that may need to wait for decent springs.

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