Tuesday, May 28, 2024


I made a thing! Or Adventures In Resin Part One

This was pretty slapdash, but I thought it was time to put some resin on a probe and see what the heck happens. I used a wooden toothpick to put on what I thought was a small blob but was about 100x what I needed. Then I dunked the probe into the very edge of the blob and trailed it around to see how far it would draw out. Then I exposed the whole thing to UV light for a couple of minutes to set it good and solid, and this is what it looked like:

The image on the right is before UV exposure, the one on the left after it. For scale, the white circle is 6mm in diameter, so we're looking at about 0.1-0.2mm line widths for the most part. I was moving the probe around in 0.3mm increments, and as it moved to the left needed to drop the probe by 0.015mm to keep contact.

Note that the resin has contracted and balled up under UV exposure. This is not ideal, because the smallest surviving blobs look to be bigger than 50μm across - sorry, I totally wrecked it trying to remove the resin. The big blob came off easily, but the fine stuff pulled apart and I totally failed to pull a strand off. Multiple layers next time, I guess.

Anyway, a change from the usual scratchings, and more data points.

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