Tuesday, April 08, 2014


Custom G-code Generation with Mecode

If you've ever wanted to hard-code gcode but still retain some scripting flexibility (for art, science, or engineering), Jack Minardi just posted a custom g-code generation package he's been working on... it looks great.

Checkout the RepRap wiki entry and
also the github repo with instructions

This could be a big win for 3d printing sacrificial inks like sugars and pluronics where each extruded filament position needs to be placed with precise (x,y,z) coordinates. And for arcs and meanders, there are built-in functions too! Very exciting. From the Github README:
To use, simply instantiate the G object and use its methods to trace your desired tool path.
from mecode import G
g = G()
g.move(10, 10) # move 10mm in x and 10mm in y
g.arc(x=10, y=5, radius=20, direction='CCW') # counterclockwise arc with a radius of 5
g.meander(5, 10, spacing=1) # trace a rectangle meander with 1mm spacing between passes
g.abs_move(x=1, y=1) # move the tool head to position (1, 1)
g.home() # move the tool head to the origin (0, 0)

We got a chance to meet Jack at MRRF and everyone had a great time. Jack Minardi is currently a Research Fellow at Lewis Lab at Harvard.

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