Monday, March 01, 2010


Erik de Bruijn's RepRap Survey

Erik de Bruijn has put together a survey at:

about your motives and efforts to use and to develop RepRap, or any derivative machine (for example, MakerBot). The survey is being done under the auspices of MIT and Tilburg University.

It doesn't take long to fill out, and it would be a big help - not just to Erik, but to all of us - if you could do so.

So I encourage you all please to take a few minutes to click the boxes.

In the forms that require you to fill in percentages it would make sense to assume that an empty field equals 0.
What about a notice in RepRap homepage?
I'll make a new post into Italy RepRap User Group and Google Groups "RepRap Roma" .
The questions requiring Estimations of Money and Time.

They are very difficult to answer with any kind of accuracy.

Some weeks very little time spent Repraping other times I can't stop its a hobby.

As to the money spent not got a clue its R&D using pocket money.
I estimated on the basis of having full hardware for 4 repstraps, with a pile of reusable scrap MDF, threaded rod, bits and bobs.
> In the forms that require you to fill in percentages it would make sense to assume that an empty field equals 0.

You're right, I would've preferred that too, this is difficult to achieve with the software we're using.

> What about a notice in RepRap homepage?
Good point. I was going to add this.

> The questions requiring Estimations of Money and Time.
It is indeed difficult, but using the stuff you have lying around as a basis for costs, or the time that goes into it in proportion to a regular job creates a useful estimate. You don't need to be too precise since this will be averaged out if there are enough respondents.
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