Monday, September 14, 2009


Software Freedom Day 2009

RepRap relies heavily on free software to drive the RepRap itself, create the models of the components, design the circuitry, build the software, and run the websites. Software Freedom Day is about supporting and raising awareness of Free and Open software around the world, so find out your nearest local event and get down there to support all this wonderful stuff. Oh, and show off your RepRap or RepStrap :)

I'll be at events in Albany and Auckland in New Zealand, with even bigger events being held in our Capital, Wellington.

Vik :v)

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Thanks for that update, I didn't know about it.

I'll be going on Sunday, as its in Auckland Uni, somewhere :)

I think there is also Arduino night at the Playhouse pub this week on Thursday evening too, might see ya there too.
As a New Yorker and RepRapper, I want to invite any RepRap enthusiasts in NYC to NY's Software Freedom Day Party. Official invite is on my blog:

Please do RSVP, as we need headcounts to order food and booze.

See you all there and Happy Hacking!
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