
Friday, March 11, 2011

Best of the RepRap Wiki 3/11/11

The RepRap Wiki is a great tool to host your project, but for too long we have allowed some of these great updates to the Wiki to go unsung. From here forward I will be doing a weekly recap of the new content of interest to me in the wiki. Remember these call outs are based around the things I found interesting, if you feel I overlooked your update in error, please speak up in the RepRap user email list, and I will try to add you to the blog next week.

Now for updates of note this week in our Wiki:

They have been doing wonderful updates for each of their machines, and some of the most detailed build logs for the Laser Cut Mendel that I have seen to date.  Go over there and check out their 4 Mendels, 1 Huxley, and 1 Fab@Home.

Rapatan is an almost feverish updater of the wiki on his MetalicRap project.  In the last week he has added a huge amount of content to his already prolific documentation on the wiki, and has started to reach out to the community for help in MetalicRap's development.  I even saw Prometious Fusion has joined his team.  Awesome work guys!

Johnrpm has been doing a lot of design work, and real hardware work on his powder bed printer.  I am a sucker for pictures of real world hardware, especially when it is this awesome!

Traumflug has really been putting some work into his Gen 7 electronics in the last week.  He now has 4 different Mendels running off his boards.  For those that have not been following this development is a hybrid of RAMPS and Gen2 on a board.

Buback has released the design files for his OpenX Carraige.  It's an amazingly elegant approach to simplifying the X carriage wile retaining the bearings from the Sells Mendel, and it just looks awesome!  I especially like his approach to the 360 bearings, it’s one of those designs that when you see it you wonder why it wasn't done that way in the 1st place.

Volumetric Dimension settings

With the new Skeinforge 40 you calibrate based off how much plastic, by volume, is entering the top of the extruder per step, and therefore how much plastic is being pushed out the nozzle per step.  Several folks have added setups for some of our most common extruders, cutting down a lot on the difficulty of setting skeinforge 40 up.

That’s it for Best of RepRap Wiki this week, please comment below if you think I should continue this project, and if you want to get into next weeks blog post, be sure to update the wiki, post pictures, and keep being awesome.


  1. very cool article! I was only aware of one of these projects, thanks for letting us know!
