
Thursday, May 22, 2008

Then there were two...


  1. Damn! It is so neat after all this time to see the dream coming true like this. :-)

  2. The big advantage here is that most people, if not everyone, have one foot bigger than the other but shoe shops sell them in pairs of the same size for some odd reason.

  3. And if one wears out or breaks, recycle what's left and make said bit slightly stronger.

    Vik :v)

  4. > recycle what's left and make said bit
    > slightly stronger.

    Plus, it just sounds awesome and uber-geeky if you're running on the latest Beta shoes...

    And, you can integrate a personalized foot-sole orthopedic profile...

    I guess that future version can incorporate a switch/accel. sensor that detects your steps so you get health related stats. And, you could integrate positioning/people awareness and home automation in new ways...
